October 15 - 17, 2025 | Dearborn, MI

From Our Neighborhoods to the Nation: Shaping the Arab American Agenda


Save the date! Registration and sponsorship information coming soon


The ACCESS MOVE National Summit is the premier gathering for Arab American changemakers committed to building the collective power of our communities. This year’s theme, From Our Neighborhoods to the Nation: Shaping the Arab American Agenda, underscores the urgent need to create a shared vision for our diverse and dynamic community. The coming years promise massive change and upheaval—both here at home and abroad. The Summit will be a space for organizers, artists, activists, scholars and philanthropists. It will bring together voices from various communities, fields, industries, and disciplines to break down silos, foster collaboration, build solidarity, and drive systemic change, to build community strength and advance a just and equitable society.

Solidarity and intersectionality are key to developing a successful national agenda – recognizing that many of our shared issues stem from the same root causes. Together, we’ll work to align our efforts to promote the health, economic, social, and cultural well-being of our communities, both regionally and nationally. The Summit will also include space to align on topics that ACCESS and its national institutions might not directly be involved with however impact our communities. Through pressing, honest and relevant discussions, participants will gain actionable insights, relationships and support to sustain and expand the momentum. Together, we will shape an agenda for change that moves us forward for years to come, on our own terms, from our neighborhoods to the nation'